Wednesday 5 November 2014


The theme in Bahasa Malaysia states: Sambutan Hari Warga Emas Sedunia Peringkat Kawasan Penampang.

Dr. Amelia Siah
This event was on 31 October 2014 but the news article was published by Daily Express only on Tuesday 4th November.

The prettiest doctor in this Polyclinic happened to be appointed as the chairperson of the organising committee for this event which included members of the Golden Citizen Club of Penampang who was initiated by a previous Chief Medical Officer here.

Writing news about the event alone would not make it to the MSM without any catchy topic, so I had to interview the good doctor and asked about the topic of oversupply of Doctors in Malaysia.
As I expected any doctor would disagree considering the extra working hours they have to bear due to the long queue of patients and increasing population. This may be the view of the old school of thought but we are in the modern world where patients expect good service with higher doctor to patient ratios.

Dr Amelia seems to be happy doing this extra health activities for the Seniors of Penampang.
However with less than 100 seniors attending this function, I was rather disappointed at the poor response of the Penampang people to such event beneficial for them, or perhaps most of the seniors are still busy with their own life, some I know as still trying to earn their living at Tamus and Market or helping look after their grandchildren and would only turn up to the clinic when they are ill.

Nevertheless, polyclinics are meant to promote health, rather than curing the elderly when they are already chronic which is more costly than prevention.

So all you senior citizens of Penampang, the service is available for you such as health and dental screening. The parking lots seems to be always full when I visited again on Wednesday 6 November, which shows that the people only come when they are sick.

As for the seniors who would be more susceptible to illness, Dr Amelia said that they can come here and register as client, not necessary as patient and make appointment for their health screening. They have a target KPI of screening 5% of the seniors here per year. So I don't see why they should not take advantage of this free service.

Well here are more photos for you to enjoy, click and copy if you want them.

 Dr Amelia and her staff. They look more like models than docs and nurses.

 Seniors participating in basic health exercises


 The seniors who are the regulars and members of the Golden Citizen Club with their yellow T-shirt uniform

 Panel of doctors and health workers

 The Panel together with Stephen Sipaun (yellow) President of Golden Citizen Club of Penampang

 The regular Seniors posing for the photo album

Secretary of the Golden C Club, Fred Morris Sipaji is also a very talented artist who paints in water colour. He sold off all his painting during this event.

To join this club please contact Fred on his hp: 0198095266

Membership is free really, but you pay the cost for printing your membership cards and the T-Shirt which is about RM34 complete with logos, etc. I think the T-shirt is not even compulsory but most want it because, well its glamour maaah.

Cheers, look after your health for your own comfort and save money for the country.  It is not nice and too expensive lying in hospital beds you know !!

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