The threat of the Salip Hill collapsing within a short time is ever increasing.
During the CNY holiday this year Feb 1, 2014, I went up to the St Michael's Church in the afternoon to get a view of the Salip from this direction.
I was armed with a 500 mm zoom lens only and the qualifty or sharpness of a zoom lens is always bad. Anyway from a 5mb digital data, I have to reduce it with my laptop to a 640 bit or large pic for web as per the microsoft picture editor and enhance the colour a bit. So these are the pics I want to share as a continuation of my "Lights on Salip" story.
Anyway the point is that even on CNY holidays, the hillcutting continued meaning the earthwork business got to be so lucrative that CNY meant nothing to these guys in business. Goodbye to landmark hills. Development for buildings and so on is more important in this country and who the hell cares about environment since our population is exploding faster than the rabbits and mice could reproduce and the PTIs getting overnight citizenship adding to the population, then what do you expect ?
Pics above shows the extend of hill cutting activities
This was the route of the Good Friday Cross, now a vertical slope with one of the small white cross standing near the slope.
Very ugly SESB transmission tower now dwafting the cross
Lorry kicks dust on a chinese new year 2014 holiday.
And the excavator harvest more earth for human projects
So if you wanna climb the hill, for now, this is the path you will have to follow
How is the condition of the hill now? Is there any routes to go there?